Popular Names

Sails McGraw


Sails McGraw conjures the image of a rugged, adventurous pirate known for his mastery of the seas and a bold personality that commands respect and daring escapades on the high seas.

Energetic, Proud, Worldly



Gringhy evokes the image of a rugged, battle-hardened dwarf whose stoutness and resilience are matched only by his hearty, boisterous laughter and unyielding loyalty to his kin.

Lazy, Indulgent, Selfish

Wizzlenook Poopins


Wizzlenook Poopins is a whimsical yet oddly charming wizard who embodies a blend of playful mischief and powerful magic, evoking images of a mischievous trickster wielding spells with a quirky flair.

Energetic, Indulgent, Worldly



Poozar embodies a whimsical yet formidable archetype of a wizard, blending an air of mischievous charm with the arcane mastery expected from a powerful spellcaster in a fantasy realm.

Energetic, Trusting, Proud

Gavren Thalor


Gavren Thalor is a formidable sorcerer with a regal presence, known for his mastery of ancient magic and his adventurous spirit that drives him to explore the mystical realms beyond the horizon.

Valorous, Proud, Merciful

Ryndel Faeryn


Ryndel Faeryn is a valiant and charismatic fae warrior, embodying the ideals of bravery and charm in a magical realm filled with adventure and intrigue.

Proud, Generous, Trusting



Lykon is a powerful and evocative name that combines elements of Greek mythology and the primal nature of werewolves, suggesting a fierce, untamed spirit embodying both strength and the mystique of transformation.

Energetic, Proud, Just



Eldrin is a name that conjures the image of a powerful and enigmatic figure, embodying the essence of magic and mysticism with a strong, ethereal presence in a fantastical realm.

Proud, Just, Valorous



Tomasher evokes the image of a daring and formidable wizard-pirate, blending mystical powers with swashbuckling adventure, embodying both the wisdom of the arcane and the fearlessness of the high seas.

Energetic, Proud, Worldly

Elandriel Silvershadow


Elandriel Silvershadow evokes the image of a graceful and ethereal elf, embodying both elegance and mystery with a name that suggests a connection to nature and the enchanting allure of moonlit nights.

Proud, Valorous, Just



Zynthor evokes a powerful and enigmatic presence, suggesting a formidable wizard whose mastery of arcane magic and deep knowledge of ancient lore make him a force to be reckoned with in any mystical realm.

Energetic, Proud, Reckless



Plunderbeard is a ruggedly fierce pirate whose legendary exploits and treasure-hunting prowess are only rivaled by the wild, tangled beard that symbolizes his ruthless pursuit of wealth and adventure on the high seas.

Vengeful, Cruel, Reckless